Aug 21, 2005

We're Home!

Hey everyone! As I'm sure most of you know, we are back in the US! We safely arrived home Wednesday afternoon and have been enjoying these past couple days in CA. We've been eating at all our favorite restaurants (Chilis, In'n'Out, and El Torito) and going to the beach trying to soak in as much sun as possible. We have lots of catching up to do as far as the tanning goes! Well, I do at least. :)

I would love to do a post on our last major trip before we left for home... however, there's been a slight problem with my laptop which stores all our pictures from the last 3 months! I don't know exactly what the problem is with the darn thing, but it's at CompUSA right now hopefully being fixed. Also, Bret, I totally forgot about this when we were talking on the phone earlier today... but I can't send you a CD with all our pictures on it until I get the laptop back. So I'll get right on that for you as soon as my laptop is restored and returned! Unfortunately, you all will just have to wait a while to hear and see about our time in Scotland... sorry.

Until then, I decided to at least write this entry updating you all on our United States lives. So yeah, stuffing our faces with good food and heading to the beach pretty much sums things up. We are glad to be back. We went to church today which was quite enjoyable! We missed attending that wonderful Mosaic.

Fun things in our near future include:
- Celebrating my hubby's birthday on Tuesday!! WOOHOO!! My boy is just growing up so fast! ;)
- Amy is coming to visit this weekend!!! :) We are going to take a trip to San Diego and Santa Barbara... Hooray for sister visits! I love them!
- I get to go visit Meg in Vermont for 7 whole days starting August 31st! Good times with the best friend! I can't wait!!!
- Brandon gets to visit Adam Huff in San Jose, CA over labor day weekend. Fun boy bonding times for them.
- AND one of the best things of all... I still have over a month before school starts! Thank the Lord!!! (Sorry to Brandon who starts on Monday.)

So as you can see life is pretty rough right now. No, actually I'm really enjoying this time of relaxation and vacation. I'm trying to take in as much as I can now in preparation for a not so fun upcoming quarter in school. I'm sure some of you miss being a full time student, but frankly, I'm just sick of it. It's hard to be married and just want to spend time with your husband, but instead you have to sit down and do homework. Ugh! Well, only one more year... I can do it!

Also, it's been great being in a normal time zone with the rest of you! Hooray for similar schedules. No more 6-8 hour differences, only 1-2 hours. :) It makes life easier with the communication to all you wonderful people. Anyways, that's all for now. Buhbye.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Hey guys, I just skimmed your blog and thought I would say hi. I really liked looking at those pictures. And it sounded like you really liked taking them too! It looked like you were having 3 weeks of nonstop fun, with new things to see every minute almost. Hope you're settling back into California ok after all that excitement. Grace and peace,
Andrew J