Jun 21, 2007

photos, school, + job

I now have 5 of the 6 albums up on our Picasa Web Albums
(http://picasaweb.google.com/Lee10383) from our Australia trip. And it took me forever to sort through and post all of it so make sure to check it out!

Also, as some of you might know, the reason I suddenly have so much free time to be able to some of these fun things I've been putting off is because...


Okay, so no, I haven't graduated yet, but I am done with all my classes, and I've turned in all my work. So that's all that really matters. The only thing left to make me an "official" graduate is the graduation ceremony on July 14th.

But in the meantime, I am working on other things... like getting a job, for example. Yes, it's true, the job search has finally begun. Here's an honest assessment on that topic...

Frankly, I'm not so thrilled about it. Getting a full time job signifies a lof of things in my life: namely, that my college days are over. And the college days meant (besides finals week) a flexible schedule, nothing consistently consuming 40 hrs of my week, not having to get up at 6 or 7 or 8 am, having time to do things like cleaning the house/errands/laundry, and dare I mention laying out at the pool during the day. Basically, I feel like the freedom that I have so thoroughly enjoyed over the several years is soon coming to an end. Furthermore, I feel like a job truly marks the beginning of Lisa finally facing the "real world." Yes, I've already done that in many ways, but this is the last straw. Ugh.

On the other hand, the idea of practicing what I've been learning in school for the last 5 years is fairly exciting. The thought of my creativity and designs no longer just landing on a piece of paper, but actually being implemented into the city around me is really quite amazing. I could get into that. Interior design is one of my loves in life so I guess I should count myself fortunate to be entering into a profession that I'm passionate about. Not to mention, the paycheck aspect of a full time job is especially rewarding! And perhaps a job will create a more extensive network in LA and allow me to meet some new friends.

So anyway, I thought I'd share my feelings on the end of one phase and the beginning of another in my life. There's things I'm looking forward to and things I could do without. But I guess that's life, huh.

Right now I have about 20 potential Interior Design and Architecture firms that I'm interested in. They are all within a 15 mile radius from our apartment in attempt to avoid the LA traffic and the 1 hour commute. In the next few weeks ahead, I will be contacting some of these firms, setting up interviews, and making some big decisions. Yikes! It's a crazy time in my life. I'll let you know how things are developing in the near future.

Until then, thanks for reading.