- Brandon's 2 epidurals were a SUCCESS! For the last several weeks he has had very minimal to no pain in his back and leg! He can sit in his office chair for 8 hours a day pain free as well as comfortably drive in the car. WOOHOO! What a blessing. Let's just hope and pray that this continues for the rest of his life! He's currently back to physical therapy to keep building his core strength.
- I'm still lovin my job! I'm working on 3 projects right now and am having so much fun! I'm working on River Rock Casino in northern California, Marriott's Canyon Villas time share units in Phoenix, AZ and Hollywood Heights Hotel in Hollywood, CA. Carl Ross Design continues to be a fantastic place of employment. I feel somewhat spoiled. :)
Here are a few of the perks I will brag about: Free massages in the middle of the work day once a month. Free catered lunches every Tuesday and Thursday. Lots and lots of free food constantly being dropped off by vendors. Company field trips for further education. (So far we've been to a lighting factory and the Pacific Design Center. Upcoming field trips: Venetian Plaster factory, AutoCAD camp, maybe SketchUp camp for me, and we're all going to Las Vegas for the HD Design Expo.) And let's not forget half day Fridays! Not to mention, all those things aren't even taking into consideration that I really enjoy the work, love the people, love my boss, etc. Yay, go CRD!
Other fun things we've been up to...
- Awhile back Nate and Laura Ridderman came out for an LA visit! We got to take em around town and enjoy their company for the weekend! Good times.
- We ate Ethopian food for dinner with our small group for a friend's birthday. It was a great experience and pretty good food.
- We went to a Jay-Z and Mary J Blige concert at the Hollywood Bowl. We had a blast.
- We're currently enrolled in a wine tasting class. We are refining our palettes and learning how to judge different wines according to their bottle shape, appearance, color, smell, taste, etc.
- Brandon went to a free Flight of the Conchords concert.
- We went to an event with our church called Yelo where we learned our top 5 strengths and more insight into our personalities through taking the Myers-Briggs and Strengths Finders tests.
And I think that's about it... The last 40 days of our lives in a nutshell.
The weather's really nice these days... 75-85 ish. I think we're going on a hike on Saturday and an LA green building tour on Sunday!
Hope you're doing well and thanks for reading.
i didn't know you guys saw jayz! cool.
F.Y.I. - just to let you know on the food picture. I would most definely pass on the taste testing.
eight hours a day in the office huh? we work 9 hour days here at ngst. tell brandon to quick his slacking or else...
Good bye sweet blog....
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